
友情链接 Link Exchange

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Link Exchange
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[ http://christinecmw.blogspot.com/ Mei Wan - 心情小空间 ]*NEW
[ http://pupuzasui.blogspot.com/ 普普杂碎 ]*NEW
[ http://paikhekmeng.blogspot.com/ 贝克民部落 ]*NEW
[ http://tystree.blogspot.com/ 田园树 ]*NEW
[ http://ohohmami.blogspot.com/ 倦困的妈 ]*NEW
[ http://chiatak.blogspot.com/ chiatak -Happy Garden ]*NEW
[ http://kaillery.blogspot.com/ 刘铠毅@KAILLERY 重披铠甲 ]*NEW[
[ http://www.limkitsiang.com/cblog/ 林吉祥 - 林吉祥部落 (新) ]
[ http://yangbaiyang.blogspot.com/ 杨白杨 - 天下太平 ]
[ http://leebanchen.blogspot.com/ 李万千 - 万千文集 ]
[ http://leebanchen.wordpress.com/ 李万千 - 知己知彼 ]
[ http://postmedia.blogspot.com/ 破媒体传播网:庄迪澎文存 ]
[ http://wengsan.blogspot.com/ 博客@永山 ]
[ http://youquan.blogspot.com/ 林猷荃 - 哗此一生 ]
[ http://limji.blogspot.com/ limji - 生命在于觉醒 ]
[ http://erhc79.blogspot.com/ 余福祺 - 政治撕裂 . 文字愈合? ]
[ http://umany.blogspot.com/ 马大新青年协会 (Umany) ]
[ http://sedarmmu.blogspot.com/ Sedar MMU ]
[ http://lonelyjackal.blogspot.com/ Jackal - 人不漂流枉少年 ]
[ http://abeautifulmind.blogsome.com/ 梁广安 - 美丽境界 ]
[ http://kenplanet.blogspot.com/ Ken - 憨人寻味 ]
[ http://malaysiapodcaster.blogspot.com/ 大马播客 ]
[ http://jiahui.lifelogger.com/ 洪嘉慧 - 洪嘉慧部落 ]
[ http://wfmxh.blogspot.com/ 李晓蕙 - 蕙心微笑 ]
[ http://i-m-liar.blogspot.com/ 撒谎的信徒 ]
[ http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/blog.php?uid=21685 小李飞刀-佳礼中文论坛博客 ]
[ http://x-mirror.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 大照妖镜 ]
[ http://feidao.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 又见飞刀 ]
[ http://realmca.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 觥筹交错 ]
[ http://negara.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 国事春秋 ]
[ http://3rdvote.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 第三选票 ]
[ http://sword-man.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 丹心剑客 ]
[ http://huajiao.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 凤雨华教 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ngnf 吴彦华 - 东方日报总编连线 ]
[ http://ng2363424.blogsome.com/ JingJing - The World of JingJing]
[ http://poetesing.blogspot.com/ 波伊德 - P/S ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/espressomay 阿鱼 - 撒野后蜕变﹐以流浪再启程]
[ http://bixia.blogspot.com/ 小虾爱大海 - 五。味。杂。陈。]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bengkuek 明发 - 噤声地带 ]
[ http://moviebang.blogspot.com/ 电影帮 ]
[ http://movila.blogspot.com/ 幕帷拉电影周记 ]
[ http://xuefei2001.blogspot.com/ 飞 -臆造书写 ]
[ http://mksow.blogspot.com/ mksow ]
[ http://chenjie79.blogspot.com/ Chen Jie - 一个人的脑酱 ]
[ http://imwormy.blogspot.com/ Wormy - 破蛹 ]
[ http://iplaywithheart.blogspot.com/ 用心玩家 - iplaywithheart的网上部落 ]
[ http://mrmoon05.blogspot.com/ MRmOOn^ -在月球上跳舞 ]
[ http://t-junction.blogspot.com/ 纯属虚构 ]
[ http://yhkwan.blogsome.com/ 霏寂寞的季节 ]
[ http://themuji.blogspot.com/ Winds - 寻风 . 觅云 ]
[ http://syuji.blogspot.com/ YeeLim - 天行者启示录 ]
[ http://teresakok.blogsome.com/ Teresa Kok ]
[ http://tklai.blogspot.com/ 赖昭光 - 有点肚懒 ]
[ http://utopia.e-channel.info/ 安那琪的文字乌托邦 ]
[ http://insidesglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 I ]
[ http://sglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 II ]
[ http://suarasglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 III ]
[ http://thefreemedia.com/my/index.php/columns/myhome/408 陈利威 - 马来西亚新经济政策借尸还魂?]
[ http://eannee.blogspot.com/ NTV7华语新闻和追踪档案主播陈彦妮 - Sound of Dragon ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/eannee NTV7华语新闻和追踪档案主播陈彦妮 - 恐龙手记 ]
[ http://yokesuan.blogspot.com/ 陈玉璇 - 落脚上海 ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/ngoigp/ 魏月萍 - 新学衡 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/namiong/ 萧悦宁 - 兰陵斋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/whiteflag99/ 庄白绮 - 在香港看世界!]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/starseeker1984/ Wong Kiing Hung - 星夜骑士 ]
[ http://watyl.blogspot.com/ 前WaFM DJ 谭育怜 - 网上点歌 ]
[ http://lihkang1.blogspot.com/ 大马人民之声协调员郑立慷 - 十万里路 (旧)]
[ http://www.lihkang.com/cn/ 大马人民之声协调员郑立慷 - 十万里路 (新)]
[ http://chiakc.blogspot.com/ Kai Chiat - 科学顽童狂想曲 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/darkcat988/ 黑猫 - 我们的爱,早已超越了种族和时间的限制 (回忆录) ]
[ http://voiceofmalaysia.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - 大马之声 ]
[ http://cstudentunion-ch.blogspot.com/ 吉隆坡中华国民型中学学生联合会 ]
[ http://mingren8.blogbus.com/index.html 一名色人 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/vinhc VinHc有话,不吐不快!! ]
[ http://messily.blogspot.com/ 杂。MESS ]
[ http://junyong2508.blogspot.com/ junyong - 外星人♥之地盘 ]
[ http://csmean.blogspot.com/ 敏の世界 ]
[ http://youse.blogspot.com/ 悠 - 一個人的行走 ]
[ http://humhumfan.blogspot.com/ humhum/蚶蚶 ]
[ http://japanationway.blogspot.com/ 胡禄丰 Jerry's Japanation ]
[ http://www.jeremiahfoo.com/blog 胡禄丰 Jerry Who - Jerry’s Alter Ego > 乱语胡言 ]
[ http://jerrywho.blogspot.com/ 胡禄丰 Jerry Who - J-Talk > 乱语胡言 (Active whenever original blog being hacked) ]
[ http://sevenhouse.blogspot.com/ SVEN - SEVENHOUSE (OLD)]
[ http://members.lycos.co.uk/tujuh/ SVEN - SEVENHOUSE (OLD)]
[ http://www.jinjang.com/seven/ SVEN - 文员生活 (NEW)]
[ http://keeykeey.blogspot.com/ keeykeey - Beautiful Everyday ]
[ http://raininghut.blogspot.com/ 陈永达 - 听雨轩 ]
[ http://www.paikia.com/ paikia - 秘密花园 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/zooooker/ZooooKER'S Zoo ]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/room2046/ 梦游鲸鱼的魔幻世界 ]
[ http://egemini.blogspot.com/ Gemini e Blogger ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/snowpiano/ Snowpiano ^ ^ ]
[ http://snowpiano.blogspot.com/ Snowpiano - 活在当下~生命没有迂回! ]
[ http://snowpiano99.blogspot.com/ Snowpiano - 珊瑚海 ]
[ http://mytheatre.wordpress.com/ 看好~大马中文剧场资讯部落格 ]
[ http://www.douglascky.com/ Yong's Empire 詠霸天下 ]
[ http://qixiao.blogspot.com/ 哮廊 - 哮了!]
[ http://blogsgator.blogspot.com/ BlogsGator - We gather Blogs , and Blogs gather us!]
[ http://shouwangke.blogspirit.com/ 守望客 ]
[ http://lonelywen.blogspot.com/ lonely_wen - 孤单人的足迹 ]
[ http://gnaknehc.blogspot.com/ kang - 122005 过渡月累 ]
[ http://www.penguin-inn.com/blog/ hanshyong's blog ]
[ http://ponghonk.blogspot.com/ Hanjie - 风雨。晴 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/sumweb/ SAMIDEAS@森点子网志 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/cheehou/ Chee Hou - Maxlife ]
[ http://winniebong.blogspot.com/ 晓薇 - 美丽师奶 ]
[ http://violetloo.blogspot.com/ 紫云 - Small is beautiful ]
[ http://kn1046.blogspot.com/ 壹零肆陆部落 ]
[ http://seekiancheah.blogspot.com/ 谢诗坚 - 飞扬网络 ]
[ http://betarocket.blogspot.com/ 火箭原生报 beta Rocket ]
[ http://nweiaik.blogspot.com/ 黄伟益 - 唤醒心中的巨人 ]
[ http://wphoon.blogspot.com/ 潘永强 - polity ]
[ http://www.fanpikwah.com/ 潘碧华 - 扬眉女子 ]
[ http://tener.blogspot.com/ 十儿(tener) - 十度精神粮食 ]
[ http://anbiarshyz.e-channel.info/ 库巴啦迪文字拼图 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/summer0518/ 库巴啦迪文字拼图 ]
[ http://dreamer.e-channel.info 星空下想你 ]
[ http://khooman.blogspot.com/ 小说里外的邱赐峰 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/eSpeeDWorld/ 亿速@痕字迹 eSpeeD @ Cyber Spaces ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/mixchan/ 阿mixの杂记本 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/shiyu/ 施宇 - 窃窃施宇 Waynespering (旧)]
[ http://shiyu.lifelogger.com/ 施宇 - 窃窃施宇 Waynespering (新)]
[ http://wyc-gemini.blogspot.com/ geminnX - 双星奇缘 ]
[ http://myprettyheart.blogspot.com/ 思敏 - 美丽的开始~!]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/aaahni/ Sinni Chong - 米和麦小的世界 (.m.E. a.n.d. m.Y.s.e.L.F..) ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/viviongan84/Vivion Gan - 千里马之轩 ]
[ http://tkchiew.blogspot.com/ 周添健 - 健言社 ]
[ http://tkchiew.spaces.msn.com/ 周添健 - 添健@周.记 ]
[ http://selfpoetry.blogspot.com/ gadfly - mypoetry ]
[ http://cls74.blogspot.com/ 1970世代马大华文学会部落客 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/travin1988/ Travin - 迎向太阳的向日葵 ]
[ http://balladepouradeline.blogspot.com/ Adeline Wong - 无尽的等待 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/whkang07/ Kang Wen Hao - 我的八度空间 ]
[ http://irenelim.blogspot.com/ Irene Lim - 点点滴滴 ]
[ http://sookying.blogspot.com/ 蓝玫瑰Emily - 我的第二天堂 ]
[ http://my18thbirthday2005.blogspot.com/ 蓝玫瑰Emily - My 18th Birthday Party ]
[ http://jeff.coolsilon.com/ 我就是我 ]
[ http://poayhua.blogspot.com/ 甘培华 - 不要害怕你的生命会结束,而要害怕它从未开始 ]
[ http://96liao.blogspot.com/ 所谓 . oi_say - 96 liao ]
[ http://blogoisay.blogspot.com/ 所谓 . oi_say ]
[ http://shiuanandkomei.blogspot.com/ Shiuan and Komei - SKll ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/summerjune/ June的日志列表 ]
[ http://www.jsxblog.uni.cc/ 庄勇翰 - 静思轩 ]
[ http://kokkuen.blogkaki.net/ Kok Kuen - 风儿他说要轻轻吹 ]
[ http://mybabyqq.blogspot.com/ 啊潘咭 与 恒爸爸 - 亲亲晴晴 ]
[ http://myqingqing.blogspot.com/ 啊潘咭 与 恒爸爸 - 一年四季, 春夏秋冬, 每一季都有晴天..... ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/mokky13/ 独孤笑笑生 gila mok ]
[ http://weiyeh.blogspot.com/ 黄伟业 - 甜蜜的负荷 ]
[ http://flyagainsttime.blogspot.com/ lys - Flying against time逆向飞行 ]
[ http://mybbhh.blogspot.com/ Kong mummy HH - 航航出状元 ]
[ http://meeyenkong.blogspot.com/ Kong Mee Yen - ~心言♡星语~ ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jaycecheh Jayce Cheh - 用心说故事 ]
[ http://duriantea.blogspot.com/ Darren Tee - 榴莲茶馆 ]
[ http://wushenlun.blogspot.com/ 黄德峻 - 无神论 ]
[ http://duller.blogspot.com/ 黄德峻 - 无聊小站 (旧) ]
[ http://duller.kukuchew.com 黄德峻 - 无聊小站 (新) ]
[ http://dreamland4kelvinyeo.blogspot.com/ KelvinYeo - DreamLand4KelvinYeo ]
[ http://kkwong.lifelogger.com/ 前WaFM DJ KK - KK lifelog ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/AhKew 李永球 - AhKew的家屋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/twsim/ 古越遗民 (旧) ]
[ http://twsim.blogsome.com/ 古越遗民 (新) ]
[ http://teckchi.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 王德齐部落 I ]
[ http://teckchi.blogspot.com/ 王德齐部落 II ]
[ http://khankhai.blogspot.com :: 钪凯 :: ]
[ http://kwongliang.blogspot.com/ 谢光亮 - 我手写我思 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/kwongliang/ 谢光亮 - 月亮阁楼 ]
[ http://kwongliang.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 谢光亮 - 你和我的天地 ]
[ http://www.paulooi.com/ Paul Ooi(琮正) and Friends - paulooi.com ]
[ http://penangpodcast.blogspot.com/ Penang Podcast 槟城播客 ]
[ http://www.penanghokkien.com/ Penang Hokkien Podcast 槟城福建 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tanyongwei/ Tan Yong Wei - 幸福空间 ]
[ http://gheeyea.blogspot.com/ Ghee Yea - 雅雅的天空 ]
[ http://hoehark.blogspot.com/ 鎗人鎗语GanManGunWords ]
[ http://info.sparkyblue.com/ Simon Su - info.sparkyblue.com ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/doiwl/ doi - my own world 我的天地 ]
[ http://huaxiao.blogspot.com/ 心系华小 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tenge5/ 浴水重生之凤凰 - 等生命的活人 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/hal-ehwal-semasa/ 雍维 - <凝静的冬天> 精彩时评网 ]
[ http://stephencpt.blogspot.com/ 陈秋平 - Let us make the world a better place. ]
[ http://watraffic.blogspot.com/ Wa Traffic [哗红绿灯] ]
[ http://klsetechnical.blogspot.com/ John Lee - Bursa Malaysia Stock Investment Discussion ]
[ http://zxingkxing.blogspot.com/ zhixing - 自兴开兴 ]
[ http://zhixiang1213.blogspot.com/ 志祥 - "志"趣"祥"投的部落格 ]
[ http://safewafm.blogspot.com/ 少奇 - NTV 7及 "哗!FM"命运如何呢? ]
[ http://up-to-me.blogspot.com/ Ooby ヤギ - 口水日记 ]
[ http://jithean.blogspot.com/ 日贤 - Forest Sun ]
[ http://kaim83.blogspot.com/ 育琴 - sunshine ]
[ http://whiteporridge.blogspot.com/ 白粥部落 ]
[ http://hbdckp.blogspot.com/ 开屏事记 ]
[ http://geminiurl.blogspot.com/ Gemini - 为你打开另一扇窗口的URLs... ]
[ http://c2pid.blogspot.com/ 昔途避 - 失。心。疯。子。 ]
[ http://alienrobot.blogspot.com/ Rieru - Robot Factory On The Alien Planet ]
[ http://filmaniac7th.blogspot.com/ Rieru - The Seventh Art ]
[ http://www.smoothriver.net/ Sam Hui - SmoothRiver.net ]
[ http://lixing76.blogspot.com/ 章力行 - 京都の客 ]
[ http://nightraveler.blogspot.com/ 章力行 - I am so so ]
[ http://zeroyan.blogspot.com/ Yan - 零度空间 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sharlyntan88 陈敬婷 - =成长的灵魂= ]
[ http://rongsquare.blogspot.com/ nottyboy - 荣广场 ]
[ http://bluegemini.blogspot.com/ 蓝双子 - 蓝双子的天空 ]
[ http://kyotos.blogspot.com/ BOX Cat - Summer Rat ]
[ http://hohosek.blogspot.com/ EdLim , 峰 - 有时候能觉得无聊也是一种幸福~* ]
[ http://www.mclady.net/speak/ Michelle - 我说话时,你听。 你需要听众时,我在。 ]
[ http://euwenpyb.blogspot.com/ Euwen - 文锋起吾 ]
[ http://soccertalk.blogspot.com/ Euwen - 足球心经 ]
[ http://ooitzemin.blogspot.com/ 黄思敏 - 改变的力量 ]
[ http://crankynutcase.blogspot.com/ 独孤老人 - Ramblings of an incoherent mind ]
[ http://ihaveadatewithavampire.blogspot.com/ 独孤老人 - 假如真的再有约会 ]
[ http://appleonlyforadam.blogspot.com/ HEZT - 亚当的禁果 ]
[ http://penguinfunfair.blogspot.com/ Cathy Lee - 企鹅の乐园 ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/summerjune/bibi/ JuneYang - 我的孩子气让我勇敢 ]
[ http://blog.activehack.com/ 方佳星 - 星空の语 ]
[ http://kusou.blogspot.com/ Kusuo - 空想堂 ]
[ http://ainie781.blogspot.com/ Ainie Lee - 当下,请...请你...你和我约会吧! ]
[ http://babykwen.blogspot.com/ 韦凯雯 - 娃娃凯雯看天下 ]
[ http://lauqian.blogspot.com/ 老全 - 老全废话录 ]
[ http://lauqian2.blogspot.com/ 老全 - 废话连篇 ]
[ http://khamun.blogspot.com/ mosquito - 小人物 ]
[ http://zerodistance.blogspot.com/ Hiro - 零距离 ]
[ http://wyc-gemini.blogspot.com/ 黄贤智 - 双星奇缘 ]
[ http://stfund.blogspot.com/ Stenny Lim - 儿子的投资组合( ST FUND)]
[ http://stenny.blogspot.com/ Stenny Lim - 跟着感觉走 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/hackzai/ 克仔 - 克仔,笑谈快门 ]
[ http://vctts.blogspot.com/ 阿凯 - 大城小事 ]
[ http://chunghan.blogspot.com/ 蔡宗恒 - 平恒点 ]
[ http://seowmeiyin.blogspot.com/ Seow Mei Yin - 0h@iyO ]
[ http://jupiterbee.blogspot.com/ Kinhaya - 木星世界 ]
[ http://mengleiwong.blogspot.com/ 天鹅江畔 ]
[ http://savecampusmalaysia1.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚全国大专生团结阵线(SMM) ]
[ http://winderman.blogspot.com/ 一粒米的故事 ]
[ http://ahliqing.blogspot.com/ Qing's ]
[ http://yannilim0811.blogspot.com/ Lim Yanni - 草木皆非 ]
[ http://pigcity05.blogspot.com/ pig@city ]
[ http://rome-lalah.blogspot.com/ Beh Chew Yeng - The Adventure of little Lalah.. ]
[ http://cbfang8.mysinablog.com/ 英杰 - 细细体会美丽人生 ]
[ http://forbiddencultur.livejournal.com/ 玄德人生 forbiddenculture ]
[ http://sharemovie.blogspot.com/ Teng Yong ,阿彤 和 Louis - 并非影评 ]
[ http://alankyo.blogspot.com/ Alan Kong - 东风不破 ]
[ http://keiamakura88.blogspot.com/ kei amakura - 天仓萤 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/wlimnd/blog/ W. L. Lim - 秆哪塞@精神 ]
[ http://mengleiwong.blogspot.com/ Wong Meng Lei - 天鹅江畔 ]
[ http://www.jeffooi.com/ferryman/ 黄泉安 (Jeff Ooi) - 摆渡人 ]
[ http://blog.forum-talk.com/ 沧海一声笑- 笑不出还可以哭 ]
[ http://chineseteacher.blogspot.com/ yeoh yeoh - 杏坛春秋 话山论见 ]
[ http://drummer94.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 维聪 - 终之序~大洪世说新语 ]
[ http://yuilie.blogspot.com/ 烈子 - 民主就是说出来 ]
[ http://cocoa0506.blogspot.com/ cocoa - 就是这样 没有怎样 ]
[ http://locker2020.blogspot.com/ cocoa - 随心所欲 ]
[ http://lanxinyu.blogspot.com/ 蓝心雨 - 蓝色阁楼 ]
[ http://huixinyong.blogspot.com/ Yong Hui Xin - 在灵感中钓灵感 Fishing for Inspiration ]
[ http://cpy00rebecca.blogspot.com/ Cpy - When you want to cry ]
[ http://bigbigmug.blogspot.com/ mugmug - biG biG muG's hiDDen eMotiOn ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tingying/Blog/ 陈丁莹 - 丁莹歌剧院 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ernestein/ 陈耀宗 - 有理细思 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/moontree/ 刘艺婉 - 月亮树屋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tulipcorner/Blog/ ♡^_^♡ TuLip's CoRnEr~ ]
[ http://kae79.blogspot.com/ 阿恺的酸甜苦辣 ]
[ http://fw123.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 ]
[ http://fwcc.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 - 弹天说地 ]
[ http://fwyogi.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 - 瑜人手札 ]
[ http://t-junction.blogspot.com/ MRmOOn^ , Wormy & Fei Fei - 纯属虚构 ]
[ http://findingjuliet.blogspot.com/ LavenderGuy's flower world ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ahcea/ 牺恰呵 - 感~想~忆~字 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/ameko1980/blog/ 邓筱彦 - 我的穹苍里有我的万物~ ]
[ http://violetsnow2.blogspot.com/ violetsnow ]
[ http://flyingcolor.blogspot.com/ 阿农 - 飞一般点滴 ]
[ http://sayuran.blogspot.com/ 阿农, nottyboy, Linx & yongchiarong - 素食园地 ]
[ http://tongkai.blogspot.com/ tongkai - 这个BLOG不好玩 ]
[ http://southernthailand.blogspot.com/ tongkai - 《平乱漫长路》系列 ]
[ http://planetofhorror.blogspot.com/ tongkai, A Bad Storyteller, grandia, tongkai & jokeking - 吓之新戏 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joshuahong84 Joshua Hong - 30% of joshua ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/forever07hot Carol - =Forever07hot= ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/zihern/Blog/ 陈梓蘅 - 生活,越写意越好... ... ]
[ http://zihern.blogspot.com/ 陈梓蘅 - 下一站:天堂 ]
[ http://travenplanet.blogspot.com/ 狮子座 流星雨 - 流星语录 ]
[ http://studentdiari.blogspot.com/ 一个普通学生的日记 ]
[ http://wuxiankianzai.blogspot.com/ 健仔 - 健仔车房二 ]
[ http://qiandai.blogspot.com/ 健仔 - 千代帝皇史 ]
[ http://gushishu.blogspot.com/ 鱼鱼, yuen, 蓝双子, hoyoyi, 健仔, 赤兔, angielptan, APRILCHERRIE, kulturkampf kutumart - 故事 ]
[ http://pk112.blogspot.com/ angielptan - 萍水相逢 ]
[ http://wehcydnas.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - what's Life... blur Life...... (旧) ]
[ http://blursand.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - 一切从BLUR开始... (新) ]
[ http://warmfeeling.blogspot.com/ feeling... ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/fredfox/ Fox Fu - Fox, Cassia and Narcissus ]
[ http://way5577.blogspot.com/ Wayfarer ]
[ http://jwlaw83.multiply.com/ Jin Wen - Jin Wen's Site ]
[ http://shawyun924.blogspot.com/ 胡韶芸 - ~my world~ ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/shawyun924/ 胡韶芸 - 芸。。。 想空间 ]
[ http://oceanblue2000.blogspot.com/ 清伟 - 蓝色的海 ]
[ http://lowintan.blogspot.com/ dan - 把根留住 ]
[ http://www.mariahlc.com/blog/ Maria Ho - 双喜临门 ]
[ http://chanweisee.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者陈慧思 - 羊人部落 ]
[ http://newbornsheepman.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者陈慧思 - The Sheepman's Blog ]